Why was TopCover created?TopCover was designed as a benefit of membership of the HKAOA. The policy supplements the employment benefits provided by the company, with the primary aim of helping Members retain their careers. This was based on real-world claims cases of Members whose needs were not met by the company benefits.
TopCover is designed to protect your flying career and to provide long-term financial security for you and your family. Each section of cover is designed to protect against the different challenges that you may face following a serious illness or injury that prevents you from flying.
Who can apply for TopCover benefits?For pilots employed by Cathay Pacific Airways, only eligible Members of the HKAOA and associated AOA Trade Unions may apply.
Who is the insurer?TopCover is a specialist product that is provided by Starr International Insurance (Asia) Limited – a member of Starr Companies – based in Hong Kong.
Starr Companies (or Starr) is the worldwide marketing name for the services offered by the operating insurance and travel assistance companies and subsidiaries of Starr International Company, Inc. and for the investment business of C.V. Starr & Co., Inc. The shared history of Starr can be traced back to December 1919 when Cornelius Vander Starr founded an insurance agency in Shanghai, China.
Starr International Insurance (Asia) Limited holds A.M. Best financial strength rating (FSR) of A (Excellent), Financial Size Category Class XV & an issuer credit rating (ICR) of “A”.
What is the additional cover I can buy?HKAOA Members may select additional ‘voluntary benefits’ to suit your own insurance needs.
Income Protection benefit :   up to a maximum total of US $15,000 per month – including the AOA group benefit
Personal Accident benefit :   up to US$500,000 for Member and your dependents
Critical Illness benefit:           up to US $150,000 for Member and your spouse.
Is the scheme regulated and protected?Yes. TopCover is a fully regulated and protected insurance scheme provided by Starr.
Your premiums are paid directly to Starr in Hong Kong, and are protected under Hong Kong law. The policy offers full dispute resolution rights to policyholders.
How do I apply?Click on one of the “Apply Now” links on this website. They are located in the main menu and on the homepage, or you may click here. You can obtain a quotation, and then amend your choices of cover until you are happy with the benefits and the premium. Then simply apply directly on line.
How do I pay?All payments are made by credit card in US dollars. All payments are made directly to Starr. Your card will not be charged until you have been accepted for cover.
Do I need to have a medical?No. For additional benefits you need to complete the application form, which includes a medical questionnaire. Please ensure that you declare all of your relevant medical history, and provide supporting medical evidence where necessary.
If you have a medical history or conditions that may increase the likelihood of you claiming in the future, the insurer may restrict your cover and / or apply exclusions.
Once your cover is accepted, it will not be restricted in the future if your medical condition changes, provided that you continue to renew your policy.
What if I already have insurance?TopCover is not affected by the company Loss of Licence benefit or any other policy that you may have that provides a lump sum payment for Loss of Licence. Other Personal Accident and Life insurance does not affect your TopCover benefits either.
If you have other monthly income protection schemes that will pay you for the same cause of claim, then your benefits may be restricted to a total maximum of 75% of your gross income or $15,000 per month, whichever is the greater.
What if I need to claim?It is very important that you notify a potential claim as soon as you suspect that you may be off work for a prolonged period. Notify the Insurer and seek assistance from the HKAOA as soon as possible. Please read the Claims section on this website.
Has TopCover paid many claims?Yes. TopCover has paid many millions of dollars in benefits to HKAOA Members for Income Protection, Personal Accident and Critical illness, and to pilots in other airlines across the world. See Testimonials.
Do I pay premiums whilst I am claiming?Once your claim is accepted for Income Protection benefit you do not need to continue to pay premiums. However, if you are still employed and if you do recover from your illness and return to work you may wish your cover to be continued immediately.
You may also continue with your Personal Accident and Critical Illness cover insurance whilst receiving Income Protection benefit when you are still employed. You are therefore advised to seek guidance about renewing your policy.
What is the Waiting Period of 180 days?This is the period of time from the date you are first unable to fly due to an accident or illness before your benefit payments commence. Six months can pass quickly so it is important to notify your claim promptly. If you return to work after being paid benefit, but are subsequently sick again from the same cause within 180 days, the Waiting Period is waived.
What if I get my licence back?TopCover has helped many pilots return to flying, either with their original employer, or with a new airline. TopCover does not insure your licence. It insures your income. Therefore, if you get a new flying job after a period of disability, but at a lower salary, your Income Protection will still pay you a benefit until your new income matches or exceeds your original earnings.
What if I want to change my benefits?If your circumstances change (promotion, marriage etc.) you may wish to review your cover. You can apply to increase your benefits at any time.
If you now declare a new medical condition that the insurer decides to exclude, it will not affect any existing cover that you already have, provided you keep your cover in place.
What if I leave Cathay Pacific?If you plan to leave you should tell the insurer as soon as is possible. If you join another airline or operator where a TopCover policy is available the insurer will try to transfer your cover subject to sufficient notice.
If you are moving to an airline that does not have TopCover available, your cover will end 30 days after you leave your current employer. You may be eligible for a refund of some of your premium in accordance with the policy terms.
If you are planning to leave your current employment please contact Starr for assistance.
What if I leave the AOA?If you leave the HKAOA / AOA and are still employed by the company, then you are ineligible for TopCover insurance benefits.
If you have an individual policy it will be deemed to have been cancelled by you.
Why does TopCover have three integrated insurance covers?TopCover aims to provide a complete financial safety net to cover any medical conditions that you might face. Income Protection may not always cover every eventuality. For example, with a terminal illness, income protection needs to be supplemented by an immediate cash payment (Critical Illness). If an insured pilot were to die in an accident, a Personal Accident lump sum of cash is payable to the nominated dependents. The three sections of cover are all contained in the same policy, allowing the appropriate response to any medical disability without any clash between different insurance policies.
What is special about the Personal Accident Insurance?Pilots face a special risk when traveling the world. You may find yourself off duty down route. Are you insured through ordinary insurance if you are skiing, or hiring a motor cycle? Does your employers’ Accident cover extend to you? TopCover was designed to protect you by covering these risks. The PA insurance is very good value and is also available for your spouse and dependent children.
There are very few exclusions to the personal accident cover. The main exclusion is recreational and professional flying – including when on duty for your employer, as that is invariably insured by your employers’ policy.
What is special about the Critical Illness insurance?TopCover is an OWN OCCUPATION cover – specifying your profession as a pilot. In addition to providing an immediate cash benefit for the 11 serious illnesses listed, TopCover provides benefit if you are permanently unable to fly due to any medical condition.

This benefit was designed to supplement Income Protection :
for pilots who are within 5 years of the maximum age limit
for pilots who suffer from a very serious or life-threatening illness

The immediate access to a cash lump sum can also assist with additional medical costs. This is a valuable cover and worthy of close consideration.

Critical Illness cover for a Member’s spouse does not include the special flying cover.

Is TopCover affected by the payment of the company Loss of Licence benefit?No. TopCover Income Protection insures your earnings and not your licence. Even if you subsequently regain any flying licence, and even if you return to work for another airline in the future, your may still receive income protection benefits if your earnings are lower than your original insured income..
Personal Accident and Critical Illness lump sum benefits are also not affected by any Loss of Licence payment.
What is the age limit? The age limits for each section of cover are:
Income Protection:   to age 60
Critical Illness:          to age 60
Personal Accident:   to age 65
I have another questionIf you have another question please contact us and we will try to get an answer for you as soon as is possible.