
New Contracts / COS 18

Members who have individual TopCover policies might be concerned about the impact of new contract terms and effect on their TopCover policies. All policies remain in force as long as you remain employed by Cathay Pacific (or wholly – owned subsidiary companies) and that you remain a member of an eligible AOA union.

Sums Insured.
You should select your sum insured for Income Protection based upon your projected gross income (including all allowances) over the policy year. At the time of any claim, that income is always verified by reference to actual earnings.

If you believe that due to a new contract or reduced working that your projected earnings will fall significantly then you may wish to consider reducing your Sum Insured. If you are inadvertently over-insured due to the changes it will not affect your right to claim under the policy but any losses will be calculated using your actual earnings.

It is important that you review your insurance requirements regularly, both for yourself and for any dependents to ensure that you have adequate cover in place.