After a motorvehicle accident left me grounded for an extended period the AOA TopCover policy was an essential lifeline. Starr displayed commendable efficiency and fairness in handling my case during a challenging time. This support was crucial in providing for my basic needs when I needed it most and played a significant role in my eventual return to flying. I am grateful for the support and professionalism shown by the TopCover team at Starr throughout this ordeal and would recommend their services to any professional aviatior without hesitation.
Beau Stephenson - HKAOA Member
Having spent 11 years in the RAF and a further 20 years with Cathay Pacific, I was suddenly struck down medically, and lost my Licence permanently. Were it not for my TOPCOVER insurance, life would be very difficult for me and my family now. If you have not taken out any Income Protection insurance, I strongly recommend you do. Despite the pain of paying the premiums it is worth it, believe me. I would hate to be where I am today with no TopCover financial backup.
Captain Richard Watson
I have been off sick for over two and a half years and have been receiving monthly payments from TopCover. Please trust me, you do not need extra financial stresses piling up and complicating an already stressful health situation. Do the math for your own life...schools, mortgages, food, transport. Living is expensive. I urge you all to consider income protection as part of your financial strategy and enthusiastically endorse the AOA TopCover scheme.
Captain Mike Rowland
I recently lost my Class 1 medical due to an unfortunate accident. I was covered by TOPCOVER, and it was an absolute blessing to receive such support and assistance during a very traumatic time! With very little effort from my side the lump sum for the personal accident cover was paid into my bank of choice. After the 180 day waiting period, I started receiving my monthly benefits, and continue to do so. I would highly recommend TOPCOVER to any everyone that is able to join the scheme! It is really a 1st class product!
Captain N B
The claims process was extremely straightforward... The TopCover staff have been extremely courteous and professional throughout my dealings with them and very quickly settled my Critical illness (cash lump sum) claim with no quibbling whatsoever. Simultaneously they were dealing with the processing of my income protection policy and have been quick to answer any of my queries, keeping me appraised of the whole process as it unfolded. Again, my income protection claim was approved very quickly and this has really taken a lot of the stress away from me.
First Officer M S
Only one year into my employment as a First Officer I lost my medical and was grounded for a period of one year. Never in my life did I ever think I would find myself in such a situation. Thank God I had signed up for the TopCover income protection plan. Without many questions asked, my income protection claim was approved and payments began just as they said it would. TopCover really did 'Ease the Squeeze' during this trying time for me. Now I'm back at work and would strongly advise my colleagues to sign up with TopCover.
First Officer D E